01.05.2015 | General | Marvel

Visionaire Studio 4.2 RELEASED

A new version of Visionaire Studio has just been released. You find all the news, changes and the complete release notes in this article. Have fun with the new version!

Release Notes: [list] [*]IMPORTANT: renamed Steam lua commands. 'Steam' is replaced with 'GameClient' in steam commands. e.g. getSteamStat command is now called getGameClientStat [*]added gog galaxy SDK support: see commands containing 'GameClient'. [*]added action parts 'move object to' and 'if character is aligned to'. [*]new feature: added complete luasocket callbacks (ltn12, mime and mime.core for http requests). [*]updated video and audio libraries. [*]new feature: display image (which can be set in game properties) on paused videos. [*]new feature: multitouch event handler for mobile (swipe right skips cutscenes and movies). [*]new setting: always show interface (also during cutscenes). [*]new animation editor tool to set frame displacement. [*]show error message if saving project file failed. [*]added new script command isPointInsidePolygon. [*]new feature: add resolution to getProperty lua command. [*]iOS: ready for 1. Februar 2015 (armv7 and arm64 - https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=10202014a) [*]improved scene fade performance (uses less resources). [*]export duplicate texts as own entries in po export file because texts in one language could have different translations in other language. [*]show snoop animations above all scene objects. [*]reworked audio and video code to fix different sound and video formats. [*]improvement: resize movies bilinear or bicubic (down and upscale) for better quality and performance. [*]improvement: read webP faster under ARM. [*]enabled picture preloader for faster loading of images. [*]fixed ogg vorbis in movies implementation, fixed sound cracking issues. [*]fixed setVolume command to set eGlobalVolume. [*]fixed 'change character speed' action part: the action part now also works if a character movement was defined for the walk animation. [*]fixed pasting dialog parts to other dialog layers than first layer. [*]fixed numbering of dialog layers after delete, paste and move up/down. [*]fixed bugs with paths containing special characters for lua IO functions. [*]fixed compiling game with multiple interfaces. [*]bug fix: keep previous scroll position after deleting action part or adding if/end if action part. [*]fixed deactivating tool to place graphics (could cause invalid preview data, crashes, etc.). [*]fixed crash caused by missing speech file of text. [*]fixed deleting speech file. [*]bug fix: correctly set automatic pause for text without pause tag at the end. [*]bug fix: non ascii chars don't get counted for ttf size. [*]bug fix: point tweens didn't get finished. [*]fixed dialog options so they can be scrolled correctly. [*]execute called action immediately (for new games, keep old behavior for existing games for backward compatibility). [*]update screen state before starting fade-out effect (e.g. if cursor was hidden directly before scene change the cursor was seen during fade-out). [*]fixed creating savegame-screenshot when using shaders. [*]fixed problem with starting game with special (non-ascii) characters in filename. [*]fixed steam_api loading for mac and linux and updated to SDK 1.31. [*]fixed fonts not showing on mobile and linux. [*]fixed startDefaultBrowser command for iOS. [*]fixed localResoucesDir path value. [*]fixed setWindowBrightness command when called with value > 100. [*]fixed possible particle crash. [*]bug fix: use brightness if set in config.ini. [*]bug fix: cropping of images placed outside of menu scene (rotation). [/list] Mac only: [list] [*]codesign v2 and yosemite support. [*]Retina (HiDPI) fix. [*]MacAppStore compatibility. [*]bug fix: crash with font tooltips. [*]bug fix: corrupt scene objects after duplicating/pasting a scene. [*]fixed column width for object lists. [/list]


7 Kommentare

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  • pajifowyte
    7 years ago
    A new visionary studio is released and all the people are so happy after getting this version because it contain so many things and abilities in it. These new versions are uploaded on and available in all links.
  • Uraal
    10 years ago
    Is there an ETA for font borders working again?
  • AkcayKaraazmak
    10 years ago
    And has the particle system fixed now?
  • Ghostlygurustudios
    10 years ago
    hooray! i dont have to double space between words any more for dialog!
  • Ghostlygurustudios
    10 years ago
    do .ttf typefaces work for mac now too? i see that linux and mobile was fixed but does this apply to mac too? i was curious if using an image for a typeface instead of a .ttf fixes this just all around, but havent tested it since i dont have a mac or linux =P
  • AkcayKaraazmak
    10 years ago
    Is it now possible to use videos as the game objects in the scene? Instead of using image sequances in animations object...
  • Mehrdad
    10 years ago
    Great!!! . good luck

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