Want more interface classes? (here you go)

  • #1, by afrlmeSunday, 10. March 2013, 22:42 13 years ago
    if for whatever reason you would like more interface classes than what is available as standard (main, inventory, secondary, options, miscellaneous) then you can create additional interfaces via the explorer tool (ctrl+e) - check screenshot below for instructions.


    or if you are feeling a bit more daring (I would recommend making a back-up of your .ved file first) then you could open up the .ved project file in a text editor like notepad++ or sublime & manually create the additional interfaces by typing them in by hand!

    open up the .ved file & search for "InterfaceClasses" & then browse down to the "miscellaneous" one & start adding your own afterwards (just copy/paste one of them & edit away)



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