New Version released: Visionaire Studio 4.0 RC

  • #20, by SimonSMonday, 12. May 2014, 19:43 11 years ago
    @einzelkaempfer: Have you set a name for the rock ? Notice it is not set in the template. I have this working fine.

    @AFRLme: yeah, know this bug, is only the version you got. Fixed it like two hours later, but didn't know it was in your build.

    @HellVanSing: Would love that, maybe in 4.1 or so.

    @Nimos: The color selector has an offset problem, you often need to move the mouse over the whole screen while clicking. Please explain whats up with the border, notice that a font with many outline may take a lot of time to generate, so don't use border there. I take a look into dialogs some time.

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  • #21, by afrlmeMonday, 12. May 2014, 19:51 11 years ago
    @AFRLme: yeah, know this bug, is only the version you got. Fixed it like two hours later, but didn't know it was in your build.

    Ah ok I'll get a new build from David, when he's got a minute. Cheers for letting me know! wink


    7286 Posts

  • #22, by NimosMonday, 12. May 2014, 22:27 11 years ago
    here are some pics:
    Created a font with arial.ttf and unchecked border. (pic 01)
    text is displayed in preview but in the wrong color. (pic 02) so I can't get a white text.
    when I check border/umrandung... (pic 03)
    ...then there is no text in the preview at all. (pic 04) it's just gone. when I deselect border the text is back.


    12 Posts

  • #23, by EinzelkämpferTuesday, 13. May 2014, 11:43 11 years ago
    @SimonS: Naming the scene doesn't change a thing. See my project attached (temporary link).


    81 Posts

  • #24, by SimonSTuesday, 13. May 2014, 11:58 11 years ago
    Why can everybody upload images and I cant roll
    I'm talking about the object name down in settings when the object is marked.
    When I enter rock there it's instantly working.

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  • #25, by marvelTuesday, 13. May 2014, 12:03 11 years ago
    Why can everybody upload images and I cant roll

    Hi Simon, which browser are you using? Do you have a flash-blocker installed?

    Key Killer

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  • #26, by SimonSTuesday, 13. May 2014, 12:19 11 years ago
    As image uploading works now, I can send you the firebug network protocol for the pdf upload wink

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  • #27, by EinzelkämpferTuesday, 13. May 2014, 13:13 11 years ago
    @SimonS: You are right, the action text shows up now (stupid me, I entered a name for the scene instead for the object confuse ).

    But actually I was talking about the character text (action part "Text ausgeben"). Looking at the stone still does not display the character's comment. When changing the character font back to the png font (Schriftart0 in my project), it works. But TTF does not. Did I miss another obvious setting? If so: sorry to bother you. If not: BUG ALERT!!!


    81 Posts

  • #28, by SimonSTuesday, 13. May 2014, 13:20 11 years ago
    You're missing a talking animation for the character wink The text positions not like the spritefonts, I look over it, but still you need a talking animation to have it right.

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    1599 Posts

  • #29, by EinzelkämpferTuesday, 13. May 2014, 14:02 11 years ago
    Ah, ok, adding a talking animation displays the text (at the top of the window). Adding a sprite to that talking animation however makes the text disappear again. I guess it's just a problem with text positioning.

    Since positioning of the text is not a font setting, I would expect the two font types (PNG and TTF) to behave alike. The PNG font is working even without a talking animation (the standing sprite stays visible).

    One suggestion: please look over the minimal configuration game. It seems that this is not up-to-date since the latest engine updates anymore.


    81 Posts

  • #30, by SDMonoMonday, 26. May 2014, 20:42 11 years ago
    Hi folks!!!

    Is there a release date for the next update? grin


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