Mac issue extracting ZIP - stuck at LIBAVCODEC

  • #10, by PaupasiaFriday, 08. January 2016, 23:27 9 years ago
    Thank you so much Simon! I'll give you a feedback as soon as possible grin

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  • #11, by fulviovSaturday, 09. January 2016, 05:04 9 years ago
    I am having this problem as well.
    The zip file seems to be corrupted, I cannot export for windows.

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  • #12, by SimonSSaturday, 09. January 2016, 11:51 9 years ago
    I've reuploaded the win32 binary as well, please try downloading it and building again.

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  • #13, by TinTinSaturday, 09. January 2016, 15:49 9 years ago
    Simon , out of this topic .It doesn't make apk for Android .
    Is anyone have this problem ?

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  • #14, by SimonSSaturday, 09. January 2016, 16:09 9 years ago
    Please look into the report.txt, if there are errors while signing, you can try it manually:

    - do the steps in the faq
    - copy the visionaire.apk und visionaire.apk.keystore to the folder
    - pack the config.ini and your vis and all files into an assets folder in the apk (use winrar and set compression to store!)
    - Run: jarsigner –verbose -storepass android -digestalg sha1 –keystore visionaire.apk.keystore –signedjar visionaire_signed.apk visionaire.apk androiddebugkey

    Should create a working apk.
    It's a little bit annoying with the jdk.

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  • #15, by TinTinSunday, 10. January 2016, 06:02 9 years ago
    Thanks Simon . I'll try it.

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  • #16, by PaupasiaMonday, 11. January 2016, 23:59 9 years ago
    Bad news roll now Mac don't extract the zip file and give this error:
    "You can't open the application, the file may be corrupted or incomplete"
    I've uploaded on GDrive only the zip file, but I noticed that the file created by Vis no longer double as the previous. Now I get these folder (see image)
    I have to zip all files and upload them to Drive? But this way I don't lose the permissions for Mac? Or is it a problem with G Drive? This is the file if you want to check.
    Thanks again grin

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  • #17, by SimonSTuesday, 12. January 2016, 00:46 9 years ago
    I downloaded it and it worked. Try right-click and open.

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  • #18, by PaupasiaTuesday, 12. January 2016, 02:52 9 years ago
    Really?! O_O
    I'm really happy for this! Well .... the only thing I can say... our tester don't use Mac for gaming and maybe his PC lack of something necessary to unzip the file.....grin
    Thanks a lot Simon! grin

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  • #19, by PaupasiaTuesday, 12. January 2016, 17:56 9 years ago
    Sorry... don't work on his Mac roll I believe he lacks some important dependecies to open the zip. Well, I must search another tester, hoping to find someone with a Mac grin
    Just for curiosity, have you unzipped the file in Lion Mac osx or El Capitan Mac osx?

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  • #20, by SimonSTuesday, 12. January 2016, 18:02 9 years ago
    I'm using 10.9, you might need to switch off Gatekeeper.

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