Inventory scrolling problems

  • #1, by cr34m3Saturday, 14. June 2014, 23:24 11 years ago

    I've got an issue in VS4 that I can't seem to sort out. Hopefully someone can help.

    The problem:
    * I set up two buttons on my inventory interface; one for 'Scroll items up/backward' and one for 'Scroll items down/forward' (by 1 item at a time)
    * 3 areas as 'Placeholder for items'
    * In-game I add 4 or more items to the inventory
    * Now when I press the 'Items forward' button the following happens
    - Item in slot 1's image disappears, but the object text (the item's name) is still there
    - Other items don't move at all
    - Clicking on items just picks up that item (which has not moved)
    - Also, the 'Items forward' button shows as click-able when you hover over it (active cursor appears), but clicking a second (or third, or fourth...) time does nothing
    * Clicking the 'Items back' button now only brings back the image of the first item.

    I loaded an old .ved file for a game that worked perfectly (Mr. Bunting's Modest Adventure), but now that game is doing the same thing. I've tried changing the button order in the interface list, but that doesn't do anything. I've tried changing the number of inventory slots, but it had no effect. If I change the number of items to scroll by, it just makes that amount of item images disappear (with the item text remaining there).

    VS4 is set to log 'info' but there's no errors in the log file.

    Does anyone have suggestions on what could be wrong?


    72 Posts

  • #2, by cr34m3Saturday, 14. June 2014, 23:36 11 years ago
    Ok, epic weirdness... When I build the game and run the .exe the inventory works fine. But it still doesn't work when I run the game out of the editor.

    Ugh... I cannot work like this... cry


    72 Posts

  • #3, by divas1980Sunday, 15. June 2014, 11:08 11 years ago
    .. it is an idea.
    You check if you have set some interface object in some "placeholder for item". In this case, the object may go in that area.


    46 Posts

  • #4, by cr34m3Sunday, 15. June 2014, 13:04 11 years ago
    .. it is an idea.
    You check if you have set some interface object in some "placeholder for item". In this case, the object may go in that area.

    I'm not sure I follow exactly, but the placeholders are completely plain. No values, no conditions, no command groups, nothing. As the game is in early development (as you'll notice from the screenshot), I haven't even tried adding anything fancy.

    As I also stated, the weird thing is that if I build the game to an exe, then everything works fine. This seems to be a player/editor issue for me.


    72 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeSunday, 15. June 2014, 13:18 11 years ago
    There's nothing written in either of the log files? visedit, or messages?

    You said you loaded in an old .ved (I assume from 3.7.1?), have you tried creating a new interface from scratch as a test? It could be something it doesn't like from the old .ved or could have been some import bug or something else entirely. Strange that it works if you compile the game, but not when you run it via the editor.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by cr34m3Sunday, 15. June 2014, 13:57 11 years ago
    The project I'm working on now has been build from scratch in VS4 RC. The old Mr. Bunting .ved (VS3.7.1) was just opened as a test.

    No errors in any log files.

    I made the inventory again from scratch just now; same behaviour in the editor/player but it works fine when I build to exe.


    72 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeSunday, 15. June 2014, 14:34 11 years ago
    Windows or Mac? I've not noticed any bugs like that in windows version (I'm not using the public RC mind), which is why I'm asking: Windows or Mac... I know the mac editor has quite a lot of bugs at the minute. The windows version also has its fair share of bugs.


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by cr34m3Sunday, 15. June 2014, 16:13 11 years ago
    Windows 7 64bit. I'm quite surprised that there are no error messages or anything.


    72 Posts

  • #9, by bobby23Tuesday, 08. July 2014, 16:30 11 years ago
    I am having the same issue but it works fine on the build version

    Great Poster

    265 Posts

  • #10, by AlexSunday, 13. July 2014, 00:58 11 years ago
    just fixed an inventory scrolling bug, so with the next release this should not be an issue anymore

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #11, by bobby23Monday, 28. July 2014, 12:25 11 years ago
    When is the newest version coming out? I can not debug my game unless this is fixed. It is annoying to be forced to build the game each time I want to debug it.

    Great Poster

    265 Posts