Improvements for VS 5 or 6 or even later - just ideas

  • #70, by ke4Friday, 14. August 2015, 12:09 10 years ago
    I might already mentioned some of these, but this is a summary of what i've been missing in the few past months.

    The first thing is related to the large amount of content. Characters has a plenty of animations and the game itself a plenty of scenes.
    It would be useful to order the scenes&animations from the newest as i need to scroll through all the animations i've already done ( and probably won't need anymore )
    And have the option to put animations into folders in character's character animation tab.

    And the other thing is a comment line in the actions part section as i'm mostly lost when i need go back to the scenes a did a months ago when i need to change something.

    Last thing and that probably have nothing to do with the engine, but when i want to add some sounds/images/animations or whatever it always open the root folder of my resources instead of the last time used folder. ( but sometimes it works, but it's rare ) And again a have a lot folders i need to go through all the time.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #71, by Simon_ASAFriday, 14. August 2015, 12:53 10 years ago
    I agree with what was said above by Ke4. And having the possibility to create folders everywhere in the different lists (scenes, actions...) would be great.

    I would also love to have the possibility to undock the actions windows that are at the bottom, and put them wherever I want, with the size I want.

    It would be awesome if I could edit the paths of the external files directly in VS for audio, video or pictures (for example when I see the path c:/project/graphics/image1.webp - if I have to replace it by image2.webp, it would be much faster to just change the 1 to 2 directly in the path in VS, instead of navigating in the whole folders).

    There are plenty of other things that frustrate me when I have to work fast, but I always forget them. I should do like Ke4 and start making a list...

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  • #72, by Simon_ASAFriday, 14. August 2015, 14:56 10 years ago
    When i look at the number of pages of this thread, it's crazy. I feel sorry for the VS team for starting this discussion :S
    Well at least I hope it is helpful and will allow you someday to create the new VS version 5 or 6, with amazing features and lots of new customers. Cheer up guys, your soft is great, keep up the good work to make it perfect!!

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  • #73, by ke4Friday, 14. August 2015, 15:06 10 years ago
    Yeah you're right, it's crazy. So many posts.
    The software is pretty amazing though. I'm so glad i've found it a year ago.

    Key Killer

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  • #74, by Simon_ASAFriday, 14. August 2015, 16:36 10 years ago
    Yeah me too. I couldn't have made such a nice project without it.

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  • #75, by sebastianFriday, 14. August 2015, 18:42 10 years ago
    is a vis team member so kind and can tell us what we can expect in the next release?

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  • #76, by SimonSSaturday, 15. August 2015, 22:58 10 years ago
    - Spine support
    - load images from network or local files
    - better controller support
    Most things are bugfixes at the time. I'm working overtime on the new gui, but no ETA on that, when it's getting into beta status there'll be a public beta test.

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  • #77, by NovelSunday, 16. August 2015, 08:49 10 years ago
    Being able to control the editor with keyboard shortcuts in order to minimise the epic mouse clickery would motivate me for another project.

    (but since I write this in every similar thread here, with nobody ever reacting to it, I start believing that I'm demanding something too specific to be realised...)


    100 Posts

  • #78, by Simon_ASASunday, 16. August 2015, 12:53 10 years ago
    but since I write this in every similar thread here, with nobody ever reacting to it, I start believing that I'm demanding something too specific to be realised

    The VS team doesn't react a lot to the requests of improvements: if you read the 8 pages of this thread you'll see that a lot of interesting ideas have not received any single comment from them. I bet that they're busy all the time, which would not be a surprise if you think of the resources needed to program a software such as VS. It doesn't mean that your request has not been taken into account. On top of that most of the team is probably gone on holiday or taking a well deserved rest at the moment, so... Patience smile

    SimonS just wrote above that he's working on the new gui (= interface), which is something that a lot of people are awaiting with a lot of interest and curiosity. Who says "new gui" usually says "new features" and "new way to interact" with the soft, so just wait and see if there will be shortcuts or not. They probably have a specific idea where the soft is going and what kind of urgent improvements to bring - or not.

    However I totally agree with the "epic mouse clickery" and I really hope that the future gui will be well thought, in order to avoid having to click 10 times/second for few results. A well designed interface should allow to work comfortably with the mouse (then everyone is free to use shortcuts too).

    The design of the new interface shouldn't be taken too lightly as it's one of the most important things to fix in the software. It could make the difference with concurrent softs, or simply to keep your current users.
    For example with Adventure Maker, I have developped my previous game ASA in 6 months only (including the creation of graphical assets + programming part), while with my new game Catyph and the use of Visionaire it will take 2 years in total. One full year has already been dedicated to the graphics (because I work in HD now), but the whole rest of the time is dedicated to the use of Visionaire. I definetely see how slow is the current interface. I usually work very fast, but since I use VS my project doesn't progress quickly at all.
    Well I'm not complaining, I'm happy with the result in my game, but I just confirm that it is important to do something for the future releases of VS (5, 6, or even 7 if you're not ready before).

    So yeah, to summarize, the interface needs to be totally redone and re-thought sooner or later. Yet the soft is great and allows to create beautiful projects, so cheers everyone!

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  • #79, by SimonSSunday, 16. August 2015, 14:11 10 years ago
    Just so you know, I'm reading all these threads and note everything. Keyboard interactivity has come up a lot from many users, I still don't know how to integrate it, how will I assign the shortcuts and so on. So just make concept for me so I understand what you want wink I'm cutting down the interface by a lot of things, here's how it's looking at the time.

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  • #80, by marvelSunday, 16. August 2015, 14:24 10 years ago
    I've made a graphical concept for the new interface some months ago, that will allow a much quicker and more effective workflow. Simon's work bases on this concept and we will consider ideas like a quick file and folder control. We've had a skype session just yesterday about it. wink The new editor is developing very well.

    Key Killer

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