Not a music producer by trade, but I have been known to dabble over the years
Thanks for the feedback, I'd love to do some video tutorials on this and some other topics I've learnt over the last 6 months of using VS, It's just finding the time to sit down, plan and record one.
I used to do a lot of teaching, and my current full time job involves designing and programming software apps and animations, so sharing knowledge is something I enjoy.
I was really hoping to put together a "demo game" for the V4 contest, with some video tutorials on creating each aspect of it, but I'm snowed under with "real" work and with trying to complete episode 1 of my own VS game.
Once I've got some time I'll give it a shot.
Is the V4 demo contest still going to go ahead?, and will the winner get a full enterprise/mobile edition for their troubles? that way I'd be happy to spend the weeks putting the work in