Can''t seem to build as .exe

  • #10, by afrlmeTuesday, 04. June 2013, 17:05 12 years ago
    there are various programs that you can find to compile your game inside of an installer.
    for instance if you were to release your game on I think they compile the installer for you.

    the point in the export of your game executable & the required files is that they are ready to play...
    if they were exported as an installer as you say then you'd have to arse about installing & uninstalling just to be able to test what you've exported.

    as for the game icon & details: you can use a program called Resource Hacker - check the sticky topics page inside of the wiki linked above for more info (there seems to a directory issue with wiki link on menu - it only works if you click it via the VS index/portal page)


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by NovelTuesday, 04. June 2013, 23:54 12 years ago
    Yeah, why not just put it in a zip-file?
    I'm probably too oldschool to understand why things always have to be installed these days. If the game sucks, I'm happy if I can just delete it completely, knowing there is no registry-mess etc.


    100 Posts

  • #12, by afrlmeWednesday, 05. June 2013, 00:54 12 years ago
    Yeah, why not just put it in a zip-file?
    I'm probably too oldschool to understand why things always have to be installed these days. If the game sucks, I'm happy if I can just delete it completely, knowing there is no registry-mess etc.

    ah sod it why not just use dropbox, sendspace or zip it, rar it, 7zip it & bang it up as a torrent?
    it doesn't really matter how you distribute it - that's up to you. what matters is that people enjoy the game.

    P.S: it's called being professional or something along those lines? or at least giving the impression that you are professional... razz


    7285 Posts

  • #13, by YinshoTuesday, 11. June 2013, 13:04 12 years ago
    Sorry for reviving a week old thread, but I was just reading this, and I have to ask.
    There's no way at all anymore to make the game simply have a .exe file?

    The .vis file, how do you run that? Would the players have to download the Visionaire editor in order to get the visplayer.exe?
    I'm new to this type of thing, but I'm interested in making my own game, and I want to know if buying the limited distribution license for this software would be good.


    35 Posts

  • #14, by SimonSTuesday, 11. June 2013, 13:12 12 years ago
    If you export the game to a folder, it creates a vis-file and copies all needed exes and dlls. You will have an exe with name of the game. You just ship the contents of this folder.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #15, by YinshoTuesday, 11. June 2013, 13:19 12 years ago
    Ahh, okay. That's good. :3
    I was just wondering if the player would have to go through a lot of hubbub in order to play a game built with Visionaire. XD

    Thanks for the quick reply by the way.


    35 Posts

  • #16, by afrlmeTuesday, 11. June 2013, 15:41 12 years ago
    Sorry for reviving a week old thread, but I was just reading this, and I have to ask.
    There's no way at all anymore to make the game simply have a .exe file?

    The .vis file, how do you run that? Would the players have to download the Visionaire editor in order to get the visplayer.exe?
    I'm new to this type of thing, but I'm interested in making my own game, and I want to know if buying the limited distribution license for this software would be good.

    well it's a year old thread - but whatever wink

    I take you didn't read the entire thread?
    As Simon said it exports the game executable & the required .dll files plus your game data files (which vary depending on the export options you choose)

    the limited distribution license key Marvel generates for you would unlock the build/export part of the editor of which you can then export your game for online digital distribution for anything up to €15 per sale - or the equivalent value in any other currency.


    7285 Posts

  • #17, by YinshoWednesday, 12. June 2013, 22:52 12 years ago
    Well, I did read the whole thread, but I didn't really understand what the general answer to it was.
    It seemed like people were saying that the game just dumps all the files the player would need to run the game in the visplayer.

    I was, and still am assuming that's what the editor does. Pack the game along with the visplayer software.
    Is that about right?


    35 Posts

  • #18, by afrlmeWednesday, 12. June 2013, 23:30 12 years ago
    it exports the main .exe file which you run the game with along with the necessary .dll files required by the visplayer to run your game & it also converts/compresses the data files (your resources) into a single file or into individual files depending on the export options you choose.

    i.e: you could export all of the resources into a single .vis file but it's not recommended as it makes patching your game more difficult in the future - say you've removed some bugs or fixed/replaced something - as it means you'd have to distribute the patch as the newly exported .vis file - whereas if you were to export the resources as individual files then it makes patching much easier as you only need to give the people the files that have been changed; thus saving lots of time, space & bandwidth smile

    Simon, David or Alex could explain it better than I can, seeing as they are the ones wor.king on the code - so if what I've just written isn't clear enough then maybe one of them will answer correctly wink

    P.S: the export is only a generic compiled version of your game - which means it may not be accepted by certain distribution services such as apple mac app store or steam for example. Currently certain things need to be done by the Dev team - namely David - to make it acceptable (something about unique keys or certs or something - I forget)


    7285 Posts

  • #19, by YinshoThursday, 13. June 2013, 00:47 12 years ago
    Hmmm. I understand most of that, the only thing that still confuses me is that .vis is the only export option the program has, right?
    So exporting it as .vis also makes the .exe files at the same time?


    35 Posts

  • #20, by afrlmeThursday, 13. June 2013, 05:32 12 years ago
    .vis is the file which contains the main data of your game such as actions, text etc...
    you can also store scenes, characters, interfaces etc into the main .vis file or into one file each for scenes, videos & interfaces etc or into individual files per each scene, video, interface etc.

    the .exe (game executable) & .dll files needed to run the game are created/added to the output folder automatically. the .exe will be named the same as whatever you named the output file (.vis)


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